Terra Cura is currently working together with Kinship Farm in a program design and project management role to help form and advance the organization and its activities. 

Located in Hamilton, MA, Kinship Farm is a single-family private home that hosts a non-profit regenerative farm. The farm is currently engaged in on-site improvements, online education development, and community relationship-building. All activities are designed to envision and nurture the interrelatedness of spirituality, relationships, and the environment. 

Some current projects include the following: 

  • Upgrading the family residence with sustainable practices/systems and improved land management to show how homes can be productive rather than consumptive;

  • Working to restore, diversify, and regenerate our site’s ecosystem in order to optimally interconnect  the habitat, watershed, and people;

  • Developing prayerful, forward-thinking, broadly replicable, and altruistic farming practices onsite with harvests shared through donation and through sales at farmers markets.

  • Building and/or supporting community networks on Boston’s North Shore in order to advance ecumenical and interfaith engagement, relationship building, innovation, and food security. 

  • Developing networks and supporting projects nationally that encourage a healthy combination of spiritual, relational, and environmental flourishing, such as:

    • Prisons to Plowshares: assisting in transforming structures, cultures, and economies that are dependent on theologies and philosophies of punishment and imprisonment into communities which are grounded in restoration and life-giving work that respects the land. For example, we aim to support those converting rural prisons into community farms. 

  • Building our website, KinshipFarm.org, which will offer educational materials, blogs, and a platform for partners and colleagues to connect with each other across our three focus areas. 

The non-profit’s future goals include think-tank and consulting activities. 

The purpose of Kinship Farm is to seek and embody spiritual, relational, and environmental best practices in a way that acknowledges and serves the divine and those in most need. We nurture seeds of potential and celebrate growth, progress, harmony, healing, and healthy results. We aim to collaboratively support and energize both local and global partners and communities. We’re committed to sharing the abundance of our harvests. All of our activities are undertaken with the desire that everyone increasingly experience and reflect the sustaining productivity, liberating truth, and healing loving-kindness that are given by God.